How are bridges used to replace missing teeth?
Dental bridges are one of many options available to our patients when it comes to replacing missing teeth, either the teeth near the front of the smile or near the back. Drs. Jerald Matt and Naila Bryan of Main Line Dental Health & Wellness are two providers in the Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania community who can assist with this and other tooth replacement choices. Let’s talk about the dental bridge and how it is used in the smile.
A bridge is a non-surgical way to replace one or many teeth. A bridge uses the adjacent teeth as anchors to support the missing tooth or teeth. With today’s dental advancements, a bridge can be fabricated in a fairly short period of time, using a metal or nonmetal foundation. Don’t let that missing tooth affect the way you speak, eat, and smile. Bridges yield immediate results that last a lifetime. Ask your dentist what type of bridge may be right for you.
How do dental bridges restore the smile?
Dental bridges are a restorative dentistry option used to replace missing teeth. They literally “bridge” the gap that developed due to one or more missing teeth. Bridges comprise of two crowns fabricated for the teeth on both sides of the present gap and a fake or false tooth, called a pontic, in between. The crowns act as anchors, securely holding the bridge within the mouth. The pontic is designed to blend in with your natural smile, restoring both your ability to chew food normally and your appearance.
Additionally, dental bridges can help preserve your dental arch because they prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of position. By maintaining the proper alignment of all your teeth, you will be able to speak and eat without difficulty while maintaining a healthier smile, leaving fewer spaces for food particles to become wedged and remain.
Is there a removable option for the dental bridge?
The closest choice for a removable restoration would be a partial denture made with a metal and acrylic framework with false teeth that slide into place when the appliance is placed into the dental arch. This is not a bridge but rather a denture restoration that is also available at our office.
How do I learn more about fixed dental bridges for replacing missing teeth?
If you are considering solutions for replacing teeth that are missing from your smile, we welcome you to call our office at (610) 947-5566 to request an appointment with Drs. Jerald Matt and Naila Bryan. Our providers are here to help at our 776 West Lancaster Avenue facility in Bryn Mawr, PA. We also serve patients and families in Villanova, Wayne, and Ardmore, PA.